Advantages of NO therapy
The G-NO Plasma treatment is a highly effective method which is based on the action of exogenous nitric oxide and air plasma.
By adding the device manipulator to endoscopic instruments, puncture needles and drainage tubes, we can treat not only open defects (wound or ulcers) but also deep wound cavities, pleural and
abdominal cavities and genital cavities.
Another advantage of the NO-therapy is the ability of exogenous nitric oxide NO to penetrate not only through the wound surface but also through intact skin and mucous membranes, in other words its non-invasive effect
on deep foci and neurovascular bundles.
An important advantage is the possibility of the combination of the following:
- thermal effect on the tissue by AIR plasma
- total AIR plasma flow pressure
- action of exogenous nitric oxide NO
The high temperature of air plasma flows is used for the coagulation of the wound surface while being sterilised and also for haemo-, lympho-, aero-cholestatis, and destroys (evaporates) neoplasms and a large amount of necrotic tissue during cutting.
High temperature of the air plasma stream destroys (by evaporation) neoplasms and large masses of necrotic tissue during dissections.
The above information proves the versatility (polyfunctionality) of the NO-therapy method in the treatment of various diseases caused by inflammatory, destructive defects of recovery and vascular dysfunction related to the polyfunctional properties of exogenous or endogenous nitric oxide NO in the body and its participation in pathogenesis and autogenesis of various diseases.